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How to Get Rid of Stubborn Body Fat

Do you feel like you’re not quite seeing the dramatic results you’d hoped for through diet and exercise alone? Are you wondering how to get rid of small areas of stubborn body fat?  Exercise and diet do not completely get rid of fat bulges in the abdomen and flanks. You would have to lose so much body fat to get rid of these stubborn areas that your face would look thin. New technologies help with this problem so you no longer have to choose between your face and your body.

What is the Best Technology to Get Rid of Fat?

There are many effective options to reduce body fat. Which body fat removal method is best for you depends on several factors such as 1) Area of body fat 2. Budget 3. Downtime and 4. How many times you can come into the the office for treatment.  If you want a painless body fat removal option with no downtime and can come in to the office at least 3 times in 2 months, then UItraShape Power could be the perfect body fat removal treatment for you.

What Is UltraShape and How Does It Work?

UltraShape is an FDA-cleared body contouring treatment that uses a small handheld device to emits ultrasound energy waves, which break down and destroy unwanted subcutaneous fat cells in the targeted area. Subcutaneous fat is the “pinchable” layer of fat just beneath your skin. Visceral fat surrounds your organs and cannot be removed through non-surgical body contouring treatments like UltraShape. Clinical studies for UltraShape found that this treatment can reduce abdominal fat by 32%.

During this process, your surrounding skin and tissue is not harmed, and there is no downtime associated with this treatment – so you can get right back to your normal daily routine without worrying about recovery time.

Who Is UItraShape Best For?

As with all body contouring treatments, UltraShape works best in people who are fit and have small areas of stubborn fat that they want to remove. The ideal candidate will already be at or very close to their target weight before getting UltraShape. Patients with a  BMI over 30 are usually not satisfied with only 3 treatments of Ultrashape. We suggest that you get your BMI to 30 before getting Ultrashape treatments to increase your chances of success. If you combine Ultrashape treatments with exercise and good eating habits, you will have much better results. You cannot get Ultrashape treatments if you have an umbilical hernia in the treatment area.

What’s a Typical UltraShape Treatment Like?

The average UltraShape treatment takes around 45 to 60 minutes, although some treatments may take up to two hours. During the procedure, pulsed ultrasound waves are delivered to the targeted area. You will not feel any discomfort. In fact, you may not feel anything at all. Most people require a series of 3 to 6 UltraShape treatments in order to see optimal results. Each treatment session is spaced one to two weeks apart. The treatments do not leave any marks or redness or bruising on the body so you can show your body right away without any telltale signs.

When Will I See Results After Body Contouring Treatments?

Immediately after your UltraShape appointment, you can resume your normal activities. Many people begin to see their results after their second treatment. Your results will continue to develop over the next weeks and months, revealing a more toned and contouring physique.

Can Body Contouring Treatments be Combined?

Yes – CoolSculpting, Kybella injections, UltraShape Power, Velashape and other treatments can be combined for optimal results. During your consult, we will examine the area of excess body fat, evaluate skin laxity and assess which treatment will give the best post procedure shape to the affected area so that your results will look smooth and natural.

In Summary

Non-surgical body contouring treatments such as UltraShape are an effective body contouring solutions for men and women who want to get rid of excess fat bulges without having to lose so much body fat that their fat and neck get thin and old looking.  Ultrashape allows you to keep the fat in your neck, face, breasts and butt while removing it in unwanted areas such as your “muffin top”, flanks, and abdomen.

If you are considering this or other non-surgical body treatments, contact Baumann Cosmetic online or give our Miami office a call at 305-532-5552to schedule a consultation or for more information.

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2019-06-16T20:50:36+00:00 June 16th, 2019|Skincare|0 Comments